Open Court timeslots are only available to university community members which include students, staff, faculty, and fitness centre members. To view the weekly open court schedule, please click HERE


  • All players must show the front desk their OneCard or TMU Recreation App in order to participate.
  • There is no charge to participate.
  • Open Court is not available to members outside the Toronto Metropolitan University community.
  • Dressing rooms are located inside the fitness centre.
  • All players must bring proper footwear and wear appropriate attire.
  • All players who attend Open Court timeslots are to receive equal playing time.
  • Participants are not permitted to use portable music devices while on the court.
  • Food items of any kind are not allowed inside the court.
  • Glass bottles are not permitted inside the court.
  • The Mattamy Athletic Centre is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Do not bring valuables into the facility, and do not leave any of your belongings unattended.
  • Individuals displaying unacceptable behaviour or who choose not to follow the rules will be asked to leave. This includes the following violations:
    • Dangerous play
    • Fighting
    • Abusive and or obscene language or behaviour
    • Consumption of alcohol


Shinny Hockey is only open to university community members which include students, staff, faculty, and fitness centre members.

The 2024/25 Shinny Hockey season has ended. TMU Shinny Hockey will return in September of 2025.

Shinny Hockey Policies

  • Players must check in at the Fitness Centre reception desk and show their OneCard in order to participate.
  • There is no charge to participate.
  • Shinny hockey is not available to members outside the Toronto Metropolitan University community.
  • When on the ice, all patrons must wear skates. No shoes are permitted on the ice. When wearing skates off the ice, skate guards are recommended for safety.
  • Skaters are not permitted to use portable music devices while on the ice.
  • Food items of any kind or beverages are not allowed on the ice surface.
  • The Mattamy Athletic Centre is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Do not bring valuables into the facility, and do not leave any of your belongings unattended.
  • All participants must be fair to one another and allow everyone equal playing time.
  • Full equipment including a CSA-approved hockey helmet and a neck guard is required. (Shoulder pads are optional).
  • Only one puck is allowed.
  • Maximum number of skaters per session (30 skaters & 4 goalies)
  • Availability is based on first come first serve. Players can arrive 30 minutes in advance of ice time.
  • No body checking.
  • Individuals displaying unacceptable behaviour or who choose not to follow the rules will be asked to leave. This includes the following violations:
    • Dangerous play (Body checking, slashing, tripping, etc.)
    • Fighting
    • Abusive and or obscene language or behaviour
    • Consumption of alcohol